How to plant a hedge
Following the correct planting procedure is essential for a healthy, vigorous hedge row. We have a vast experience in planting all types and sizes of hedging in every possible situation and condition. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of our experienced staff for peace of mind.
However, if you have experience in this field and do want to plant your own tree then there are a number of factors that need to be considered when planting a hedge. The following guidelines will ensure the successful establishment of your hedge.
Ensure that you have all of the necessary planting equipment to hand. This includes;
- Tape measure
- Marker paint
- Shovel/ pick axe or preferably a digger but depends on the length of hedging being planted, soil conditions, access etc.
- Boards to protect the area around the trench.
- Appropriate compost
- Slow release fertiliser
- Irrigation pipe
- Brush
Preparing the trench
The size of the Trench will depend on the size of the rootballs / trough to be planted. As a rule of thumb, the trench should be 300mm wider than the rootballs.
- Measure and mark out the area for the trench.
- Board out the area alongside the trench
- Strip off the grass
- Dig out the top 6”-8” of good quality topsoil and store by the trench for use when backfilling
- Poor quality subsoil to be dug out and removed from site
- Ensure that all soil is dug out to the required depth
- Fork over the base and sides of the trench
- Considering the finished planting depth, put a layer of compost and slow release fertiliser in the base of the trench to ensure that the root ball / trough sits just below ground level – This is very important
– Too deep and the base of the stems can rot and cause poor health and failure
– Too shallow and essential roots above ground will be lost and become more susceptible to wind damage and tilt - Place the plants, centrally in the planting trench, selecting the best side
- Install the perforated irrigation pipe along the base of the trench in no more than 10 meter sections
- Backfill the trench with a mix of compost and soil and firm up to ground level.
- Clear away the soil immediately around the base of the stems
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